Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who Got Voted Off Dancing With The Stars May 1 2012

Monday night was Classic night on Dancing With The Stars and all contestants did very well.Melissa Gilbert was once again at the bottom when it came to the judges score. But does that matter?

After Monday night votes by fans, it was Roshan Fegan and Jaleel White that fans placed in the bottom two contestants for Tuesday night vote off. Now, I was kind of surprised to see Jaleel in the bottom two this week. My thoughts were Roshan and Melissa.

Could it be that fans have a dislike for Jaleel? I know at my work, mostly all the women wanted him off the show because they felt that he was stuck up. Should this have an affect on their decision for who had the best performances? Maybe..Maybe not.

Regardless of my thoughts, Tuesday was the night that either Roshan or Jaleel would have to leave the show. Last week Roshan was at the bottom two with Glady's Knight being the other contestant. Fans save roshan and voted off Glady's Knight. Would they save him this week against Jaleel?

The answer is YES. Last night fans saved Roshan and booted Jaleel White off Dancing With The Stars.I just would ike to know from fans that visit this article, was it his performance or his attitude that got him booted off the show. Leave a comment and let me know what you think.

Join ABC next Monday night for another week of Dancing, followed by Tuesday night vote off

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