Saturday, May 5, 2012

ABC General Hospital Recap May 3 2012

Dante is in jail trying to convince an officer that he has been framed by Ronnie and Ronnie has kidnapped his wife Lulu, but the officer tells Dectective Dante to explain it to Internal Affairs.

Meanwhile as the officer is leaving Delores comes up and Dante tries to convince her about Ronnie, but she reminds him of how he didn't believe her in the past. Eventually she gets convinced and opens the doors and tells Dante that she will shoot him herself if she finds out he is lying.

Starr shows up at Sonny's house with her loaded gun Sonny thinks that Starr has returned to Los Angeles, but Starr said she had unfinished business in Port Charles,and tells him about Johnny picking up her recording contract. Sonny tries to warn Starr about Johnny telling her that he believed it was Johnny who shot the tires on Anthony car, but Starr reveals that Johnny said the same about him.In her grief, Starr pulls out her gun and points it at Sonny telling him that it should be him that is dead instead of her family. She tells Sonny to lead the way to the car, but Sonny wants her to know she is making a huge mistakes and asked her where were they going but Starr ignores him and tells him to get to stepping.

Meanwhile back at the motel, Ronnie has Lulu tied up and takes a shower and Lulu is able to get the remote on the television and turn the volume loud as it could go.John, who is outside of the motel room knocks on Ronnie door and asks him to turn down his television set because there is a pregnant lady nearby that needs her rest. Ronnie tells him to get lost while trying to slam the door in John's face. John stops the door with his foot, but Ronnie convinces him to mind his own business.

Join ABC tomorrow to find out what happens

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