Friday, October 12, 2012

Joe Biden At The Vice President Debate

If the Democrats were looking for an aggressive Joe Biden in the Vice Presidential debate, well they got it. Joe Biden was..., well Joe Biden.

The Republicans were hoping that the young Congressman Paul Ryan would continue the momentum that Mitt Romney had built during the Presidential debate with President Obama.

The Democratics were hoping that their seasoned Vice President Joe Biden would stop or slow down the momentum Republicans were having.

Watching this event I think both parties were satisfied with the performances of their party. I believe Ryan held steady to his numbers and policies as the Vice President were using different gestures to throw him off track.

On the other hand Joe Biden did what he was suppose too and that was to drive home the accomplishments of the past 4 years and give undecided voters a reason to re-elect President Obama. The question is, did Biden turn off some undecided voters with his eye rolling,pointing finger,interrupting, and most of all condescending attitude that he was displaying. He did everything but pat Paul Ryan on the head.

Normally Vice Presidential debates are not all that important to me, but this year and 4 years ago it is different. I believe that both of these guys will play an important role in decision making.

I just want to know from others, did Joe Biden go over the top or did he do what was needed at this time

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