Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Obama vs Romney

This is the question Americans are faced with now that election year is here. Are we better off under President Obama in these last four years.

Well, I'm pretty sure answers will be different depending on who you ask. If you ask Republicans, they would tell you Obama has fail America. If you were to ask Democrats, they would tell you Obama has helped America.

But now that we are only a couple months away from making this big decision on who would be best as President, so many Americans such as myself are still undecided.

Now I voted for Obama in 2008 because I loved his message of where he wanted to take America. But since he became President, things have gone south. Now the question is, do I blame Obama for this?

In 2008, when Obama was elected, I remember a few well known Republicans vowed that their MAIN GOAL over the next four years was to see to it that Obama would not get re-elected. They have held true to their word, and that has stucked in the back of my mind.

As this country went into one of the biggest recession, Congress sat back and watched it happened. Instead of coming together to find a solution to the problem that America was facing, they absolutely did nothing. But then when unemployment got to an all-time high, all of them blamed the President for it. Then left with no other choice, Obama comes out with an unpopular stimulus bill, which saved or created jobs.The problem was that because millions of people had already lost their job, and the bill saved or produced only a few hundred thousand jobs it seem like a failed bill.For those people who received a job from it, they would say that the stimulus worked, but others would say it was a waste.

Now we have Mitt Romney, who has proven himself in the private sector for creating jobs. That's what this country needs right? But what if Democrats win the House and treat him like Republicans treated Obama. Would Romney stand a chance at creating these jobs? A person has more control in the private sector than they would as President. This is one of my concerns if I were to vote for Romney. The second would be does he know enough about foreign policies.

So, are we better off than we were four years ago? I don't believe we are. Do I believe Obama is to blame for this? I don't believe he should be totally blamed for this. Would I voted for him in 2012? I have no idea because if Republicans retain the House and Obama is still President, how can we move forward?

Maybe we need to put a limit on the term for Congress, then maybe we could get some things done.

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