Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Young And The Restless Recap What Happen To The Knife Ricky Had

Monday on the Young And The Restless, Paul is in a state of shock after shooting Ricky in his home at the Atletic Club, and he falls out of the  bathroom window to his death on the street.

An unconscious Eden finally comes too but d has no idea what has happened. A distraught Paul is sitting on the bed holding the gun and tells Eden to call 911.

At the police station, Heather and Agent Malloy are doing paperwork when a shots fired at the Athletic Club call came in. They both grabbed their things and head to the club.

At Crimson Light, Kevin and Michael are going over the events the day Daisy disappeared and Michael receives a phone call that Ricky Williams is dead.

 Back at the Athletic Club,a disoriented Paul is still clutching the gun while rocking back and forth on the bed, while paremedics take Eden to the hospital.The investigator in charge of the crime scene gets the gun away from Paul but can't get Paul to talk about what happened. Agent Malloy, who is Paul friend, comes to see if Paul will talk to him. Paul recognized Malloy and began telling him what happen. A sobbing Paul explained that Ricky was about to kill Eden with a large knife and he shot him to prevent it from happening. After the interview Malloy asked the investigator was there a knife at the crime scene and he said they have not found a knife anywhere. The investigator sends the gun to the lab and leaves to see if Eden can back up Paul story.

Michael arrives on the scene and gets filled in on what happened. He was told that Agent Malloy was upstairs with Paul and Michael rushes up the stairs to the room. Michael immediately sees a very distraught Paul and tries to talk with him. Not really gaining any grounds with him, he tells Paul to go downstairs where Heather is.An angry Michael then begin to tell Malloy that he was out of his jurisdiction and had no business talking with Paul.

Paul goes downstairs and hugs Heather telling her over and over how sorry he was for what happened. Paul begins to try and leave the club, but Heather tells him that he can't leave because Michael will have questions for him.

Michael and Lauren decides to go to the bar and talk. While talking an officer brings him the report of the crime scene so far. Michael makes a loud statement saying ,"was he going to have to arrest everyone in the city". Lauren asks what was he talking about and Michael tells her that the gun Paul used came back as a unregistered gun with the serial numbers filed off. Lauren immediately realize that it was the same gun that Paul took from her at the gala because she was still on probation and should not be caught with it. Micheal realized that because of the filed serial numbers, that this may be a premeditated.

Michael leaves the bar and goes back to talk to Paul, but Paul is nowhere to be found. Paul catches a flight to Los Angeles to tell Ricky's mother that their son was dead. Isabella not responding, just brushes her hair and continue humming to herself.

So the main question is, where is the knife Ricky was about to use on Eden? Did someone remove it trying to cover up something?Furthermore, where is Daisy wallet that was found? Nobody left that room, so where is it?Leave a comment and let me know what you think happened to it.


  1. A huge knife just can't up and disappear.The only person besides Paul in that room was Eden. Makes me wonder if she is covering up something

  2. If you watch the episode again..as I did..you can see that Ricky was still holding the knife when he fell through the window. So it wasn't left in the room.

    1. Well that would explain why the knife wasn't in the room.Hopefully they will find it soon or will it even matter once Eden gets her memory back.

  3. How did the knife that large find its way into an upscale hotel room? Did anyone see Ricky bring it in? I know this is a soap opera, but please!
