Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Will Katherine Jenkins Be Voted Off Dancing With The Stars

Katherine Jenkins has been a contestant who has been one of the top three dancers this year on Dancing With the Stars.

Last night Jenkins caught a spasm at the end of her routine which caused a minor mess up and put her at the bottom of the scoreboard for the judges.

We all know that it's not the judges that votes off contestants, but fans. Katherine has a great fan base and inspite of the mishap, it would not surprise me if we see her next week.If anything I think the minor injury will get her a little sympathy when it gets down to voting.

The question is, which contestant will beside her as the bottom two, if she is placed there. I can see Donald Driver maybe being in the bottom two this week. Donald is such an underrated contestant and I just wonder will that hurt him if placed in the bottom two.

It is MY PREDICTION that fans will save Katherine and a surprised Donald Driver will be sent home.

I would love comments from fans before tonights showdown, letting me know what you think about Donald Driver being the contestant sent home tonight.

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