Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sharon Remembers Cassie On Young And The Restless

Thursday on The Young And The Restless, the family remembers Cassie. It has been 7 years since the accident that lead to cassie death.

While the family put away their difference on this day, it was destroying one. Daniel was really taking this day hard as he continued to blame himself for her death. Phyliss stops by his house to try and ease the day for him, while Daisy, not knowing about Daniels past with Cassie, tries to plan a day with him. Daisy walks in while Phyliss and Daniel are talking about his past and overhears him saying how he was responsible for someone's death, but didn't say who.She asks Phyliss to take baby Lucy to spend the day with her.

Phyliss takes Lucy with her and while Daisy wants a day with her husband, Daniel makes a phone call to his best friend Kevin and explains to him that he needs to get out of the house and to meet him at the diner.

Meanwhile after Nick visits the gravesite, he enters the Chapel for comfort and Sharon, knowing Nick is there comes by and sit with him. They talk about Cassie and how much she meant to their lives. Sharon makes the statement that if Cassie had not went out that night so many things would have been different. We all know how Cassie death affected Nick and Sharon marriage, and I wonder could that be what she was referring to with that statement.

After Victor visit to the grave, he goes back to Sharon home and has his chef to prepare a meal. Sharon enters the house, surprised to see Victor there. Victor explains that he knew she must be hungry, but Sharon explains that she wasn't. Once he uncovered the food, Sharon realized it was Cassie favorite meal,... Fried Chicken, Macaroni, and Beans.

Jack is at home with his housekeeper and she brings Jack a box that he asks for, but while bringing the box she accidently steps on his toe. Jack says that he felt the pressure from the housekeeper stepping on his toe and calls his therapist Sarge. Sarge comes by and began to run exercises on his foot to see if Jack feels anything. Jack felt what appeared to be pressure during the exercise and Sarge calls Dr. Isaac to come by his office for more tests.

Sharon asks Victor if he can get the chef to make more of Cassidy favorite meal and then began calling to get everyone together at her place to share a special meal.

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