Monday, February 20, 2012

Who Was Fired In The First Week Of Celebrity Apprentice

Tonight aired the first episode of Celebrity Apprentice, with one of the Celebrities getting fired.

Tonight's task consisted of making and selling a great deli sandwiches for the most money for Charity.For this challenge the men competed against the women.

After both teams selected their Project Leader, they headed out to come up with the perfect sandwich to display. Since this was a Charity event, everyone was calling other celebrities to come and buy a sandwich and donate to their Charity event. At the end of the day, the team that didn't make the most money loses a member.

The women team raised an Apprentice record for the first episode, raising $126,962. However, it was not enough to compete with the whopping $332,120 the men raised. With the women working so hard and giving it their all, I really hated to see them lose in the fashion they did.

By this being a Charity event, both teams start calling other celebrities to come by their shop and purchase a sandwich and donate to Charity. A lot of celebrities showed up for the women and were giving gracious donations. The key is to raise the most money though, regardless how many people donate. That is where my problem came in last night.

After they announce how much both teams earn, I was trying to figure out how did the men raise so much money. Their shop really stayed empty a lot.Well come to find out that out of the $332,120 that was raised, they received a check for $305,000 from one person.WOW! So when you subtract that from the total,they really didn't even raise $30,000.But regardless of the amount of people, the objective is to raise the most money.

Well with the women losing, it meant only 1 thing. Somebody had to get fired from the show. In the Boardroom, Donal Trump gathered all the women and asked them who they thought was the weakest link when it came down to working hard and helping raise money. The answers came down to 2 people. Cheryl Tieg and Victoria Gotti.

Cheryl appeared to be out of her element. She is a very nice and laid back person and we all know that won't get it in a show like Apprentice.Because of that she had to face the famous words of Donald Trump. Cheryl You're Fired!

I really wanted to see Victoria leave because I thought she was the weakest link because she wasn't a team player most of the time.We will see if she gets focused next week and continue through the show.

So, Cheryl Tiegs gets fired in episode 1 of the Apprentice.Join NBC next Sunday night to find out who will be next.

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