Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Victoria Gotti Gets Fired From Celebrity Apprentice Week Two

In the first episode of Celebrity Apprentice the men competed against the women to come up with a great sandwich and selling them for as much money as possible. The team that raised the most money would win.The losing team will lose a member. The women lost and Cheryl Tiegs was fired.

This week the teams competed in coming up with a great Medieval Times performance. One again the loser of this event would lose a member.

The women had a great idea of having the women fight for King Donald Trump.I figured with that idea and the fact that since the show was in New Jersey and Teresa,one of the reality show Housewives Of New Jersey was participating, this would give them the edge.After the ladies assigned Lisa Campanelli as their Project Manager everything just went downhill. This lady was crazy. She was giving instructions like these ladies worked for her or something. The constant screaming and not letting them voice their ideas was insane.

The men on the other hand worked very close together. Their theme was basic, just entertain and the rest would take care of itself. Penn was the Preoject Manager for the men and did a great job at listening and taking ideas from other. In the end, the men would once again defeat the ladies sending someone to face Donal Trump.

After discussing who they thought was the weakest link for the week, Donald Trumps firesVictoria Gotti from the show. That is now 2 women that has been fired. They will not be able to compete with the men if they continue to lose in these events.

Join NBC next week and see if the ladies can turn it around. They can't afford to lose another member, if they have to continue competing with the men.

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