Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Kaci B Gets Dismissed From Bachelor

Last night on the Bachelor, Sean makes a tough but very wise move by not giving a rose to Kaci B.

Now Kaci B. has been one my favorite girl to watch out of all the seasons I have watched the show. Last season, I was for certain that she would end up with Ben. Well, we all know how that went after Ben visits her parents.

On this season Kaci B. returns and try to find love with Sean, who she shared a friendship outside of the show.

Seans gives it a try but just couldn't find any romantic feelings for her.Kaci did not help herself last night as she makes a bold move that backfired on her.

To try and score points with Sean, she pulls him aside to let him know about the tension between two of the other girls. Sean did not understand why she was telling him this because no one has stated to him they were having a problem. It made Kaci B. look like a drama queen and she got dismissed for it.

I did love the way Sean spared her any further shame by pulling her aside before the rose ceremony and dismissed her in private.

I don't think we have heard the last of Kaci. I look for her to be a Bachelorette soon, because she had a great fan base from last season.

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